Archived Projects: Governance

Redistricting Reform, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University

Assessment for application of public policy mediation tools to achieve redistricting reform in Illinois and Ohio to reduce political polarization.

Jerusalem Inter Cultural Center

Consultation on implementation of Ramot Municipal Council charter, which was constrained by endemic religious-secular dispute.

Governing Protocols for the National Commission on Energy Policy

Developed governing protocols for high-level bi-partisan Commission, including decision-making rules, voting procedures, guidelines for media interactions, and procedures for filling Commissioner vacancies.  The NCEP prepares consensus national energy plans. 

Canadian Constitutional Convention

Part of a team that designed format of the constitutional convention to address secession of Quebec and federal power sharing.

Civic Fusion Workshop, General Directorate for the Central Organization, Emilia-Romagna Regional Government (Italy) in conjunction with Avventura Urbana

Workshop on how to initiate and sustain civic fusion. Key elements included essential conditions, challenges for identifying and confirming credibility of representative participants and challenges and needed refinements for applying tools of policy mediation to the Italian context.

Chelsea Charter Consensus Process, Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance, Office of the Receiver

Consensus process reached deep into community to re-engage citizens in self-governance through development of a city charter after the city government was stripped of its authority and placed under State Receivership.  Winner of the All American City Award from the National Civic League. 


Archived Projects: Security


Archived Projects: International Negotiations