Forestry Climate Change Dialogues

Client: Forest Carbon Work Group, American Forestry Association


Well-managed forests can significantly reduce greenhouse gases. The Forest Carbon Working Group (FCWG), a broad and diverse coalition of stakeholders, worked to develop consensus policy recommendations to limit and reduce climate change impacts. FCWG’s approximately 45 members include conservation groups, landowners, industry, conservation, wildlife and forestry organizations, academics, and carbon finance groups.


Podziba Policy Mediation worked with FCWG to design and then facilitate a series of dialogues to develop a comprehensive strategy. The first dialogue focused on developing the benchmarks needed to create high-quality forest carbon activities, such as measurement and monitoring issues. The next looked at various policy mechanisms, including cap-and-trade and incentive programs. The third dialogue delved into adaptation funding.  In addition, during a final series of meetings, FCWG members refined the agreements they reached during each dialogue into a broad policy document.

Before each dialogue, PPM conducted an assessment and used results of an online survey to determine the most promising substantive focus and process design. 


FCWG developed a consensus policy platform in support of its efforts to promote forestry strategies in federal legislation to address global climate change. The relationships and shared commitments forged among the diverse participants have continued to strengthen the forestry sector in its climate change negotiations.


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