Highlighted Projects
Challenging situations demand creative processes for developing innovative solutions. Podziba Policy Mediation is known for taking on “never been done before” and “seemingly impossible” projects. We love working in uncharted territory. A quick look at our project list shows we span a broad range of policy areas and work in and across local, regional, tribal, state, national, and international political contexts.
PPM starts with basic building blocks of policy mediation and works with client input to tailor design every process and each process component for success in resolving complex and controversial disputes. Many of our processes lead parties to success after past failed efforts.
Boston Transportation Planning
The Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization, a seventeen-member board of federal, state, regional, and local transportation officials and environmentalists, is responsible for transportation planning in eastern Massachusetts.
Charter Bus Service Negotiated Rulemaking
Congress directed FTA to conduct a negotiated rulemaking process to revise charter bus standards pursuant to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users.